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Happy International Women's Day 2019!

Happy International Women's Day 2019!

March 8th is International Women’s Day. This special day is over one hundred years old, with the first Women’s Day held in New York in 1909. Since the beginning, International Women’s Day has been a time to celebrate progress and call for further advances towards gender equality. Today, International Women’s Day is celebrated in over 100 countries with marches, runs, concerts, and other events.

To celebrate International Women’s Day here at Dermelect, members of our team are sharing their roles models growing up and which women inspire them today. Plus, we’re spilling our favorite ways on how to observe International Women’s Day this year!

Jodi Lavian, Co-Founder

Growing up, Wonder Woman was my role model because she was a strong, powerful woman. I watched the TV show and read the comics. I loved what she represented – plus I loved her look!

When it comes to family, my mother and my mother-in-law never fail to inspire me. They were both strong women who raised families while juggling careers. As a working mother of four, thinking about their experiences gives me strength!

I’m also inspired by Sandra Sotomayor and Jennifer Lopez. Both are from the Bronx, both started with nothing, and both reached the pinnacles of their professions through hard work, perseverance, and dedication.

Jacklyn Poetzsch, Digital Marketing & Social Media Coordinator

I’ve always admired Selena Quintanilla. Selena was my favorite movie growing up. I would watch it over and over again! She showed that with hard work and determination, it was possible to make your dreams come true. She was always kind to people and knew the importance of family, which are all values that I hold true today.

My mother also inspires me. She grew up in a rough, poor neighborhood. She knew that she did not want to make that her life. So, she moved to Long Island, married a great guy (my father), and raised five successful, hard-working kids.

There are SO many other women who inspire me, but one that comes to mind today is Sophia Amoruso, the former CEO of fashion retailer Nasty Gal. She started out selling vintage clothing on eBay in her small apartment, which later turned into a $100M business. She now has her own podcast, Girlboss Radio (one of my favs), where she interviews other women who’ve made their mark. I definitely recommend it!  

Cheryl Behnam, Chief Operating Officer

Growing up, I remember watching and identifying with the show Buffy. At the time, there was no other show on television that depicted women as superheroes. I really gravitated to the story of a strong female character that wasn’t your typical damsel in distress.

When I think of my everyday role model, I think of my grandmother. She’s always lead by example, setting a tone of strength and stability for our family.

Today, I look to my closest friends for inspiration. Now more than ever, so much is expected from women both personally and professionally. I never fail to be impressed by my girlfriends who manage to juggle it all with a smile on their face!

International Women’s Day: How to Get Involved

1. Attend an Event

International Women’s Day events are held all over the world. These events include concerts, conferences, and races. Sign up with friends, family members, or co-workers to celebrate women and rally for equality. For a complete list of events for International Women’s Day 2019, visit the official site.

2. Plan an Event

Kick it up a notch by planning your own International Women’s Day event! Get a party going at your office or get your favorite group of women together once the kids are put to bed to discuss what this day means to you. This is a great opportunity to raise awareness with your co-workers, friends, community members and family. There are a lot of misconceptions about feminism and gender equality, so now is the time to set the record straight and emphasize how balance helps all of us.

3. Post on Social Media

The campaign theme of International Women’s Day 2019 is #BalanceforBetter. Post a selfie on your social feed with your hands up and the tag #BalanceforBetter to raise awareness for International Women’s Day and gender equality. Plus, if you tag @dermelect, you’ll have a chance to be featured on our social media channels!

4. Celebrate Women in Film

According to a study by San Diego State University, only 7% of the highest grossing films of 2016 were directed by women, and only 32% of speaking roles in films belonged to women.

Support women in film by scheduling a movie night with friends and family and watching some of these recent films that feature strong female protagonist characters or were directed by women:

  • Free Solo – directed by Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin
  • The Favorite – starring Olivia Colman, Emma Stone, and Rachel Weisz
  • Love, Gilda – directed by Lisa Dapolito
  • Ocean's 8 – starring Sandra Bullock, Cate Blanchett, Helena Bonham Carter, Anne Hathaway, and Rihanna
  • RBG – directed by Betsy West and Julie Cohen
  • Annihilation – starring Natalie Portman, Jennifer Jason Leigh, and Gina Rodriguez
  • Mary Shelley – directed by Haifaa Al-Mansour

5. Read an Inspirational Book

Get inspired and support female writers by purchasing one of these books. When you’re finished, pass the book on!

  • Becoming by Michelle Obama
  • #GIRLBOSS by Sophia Amoruso
  • Bad Feminist by Roxane Gray
  • Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
  • Wild by Cheryl Strayed
  • Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
  • Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn

How will you celebrate International Women’s Day 2019? Which women inspire you? Who are your role models? Let us know in the comments!

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